Minecraft knowhow Wiki
Redstone comparator


The Redstone Comparator is a block for use with redstone circuitry. It resembles a repeater with an additional redstone torch. It has two inputs: one from the back, signal A: and one from the side, signal B. The output, the torch in frount, has different behaviour depending on the mode of operation: subtraction, which occurs when the torch is lit, and comparison, which occours when the torch is dark. Right-clicking the comparator will change modes.

In subtraction mode, when signal A exceeds signal B, it outputs proportionally to (A-B). Example: the back has a strength of 15, the side a strength of 1, and the output is 14. 

In comparison mode, when signal A exceeds or equals signal B, it outputs signla A. Example: the back has a strength of 15 , the side a strength of 1, and the output is 15


Minecraft 1.5 Blocks & Items Comparator

Minecraft 1.5 Blocks & Items: Comparator