Jungle Temples are large temples that only spawn inside of Jungle and Jungle M biomes.
When entering the front entrance to the temple the player will notice a stairwell in front of them, walking down there will bring the player to a 2-way hallway. On the left/right (depends on how the temple generated) is a set of levers, completing the lever puzzle will allow the player to access one chest. To reach the other chest the player must walk down the hallway on the other side, be careful though since there are tripwires traps hidden. The dispensers that are hooked up to the 2 tripwire traps are usually covered up with vines which makes them difficult to see. They are also filled with many arrows which can kill the player if triggered excessively. One common way to disable these is to use shears to break the tripwire string. This disables the trap and makes it safe to reach the chest round the corner.
WARNING - This video contains spoilers